terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2014


Dear Friend,

I just watched this presentation at the Diabetes World Summit with also a very objective information in Audio format that offers real sollutions and the author, Jon Gabriel, relates Diabetes Mellitus to stress factor and how to nourishing your body with healthier choices and explains how to reduce the internal inflamation, how to heal emotional and mental stress that are causing the markers of Famine but he says they are mostly stress related...

Chemical signals travel through our blood stream and trick us due to the stress we are in... so, basically, You think that You are hungry, but just that You are not.

The Author says Your body is already tricked thinking that You are in a Famine, as a result of being late for work, or because you have been verbally abused by your boss screaming at you, when you are exausted, when you can't sleep well enough, when You eat some things that causes the body to react into internal inflamation, when you have emotional traumas, when you can't control the stress in your Life - this Education results in a low grade inflamatory markers.

J.G. approaches Biochemistry issues in his speech, as he relates the mechanics of loosing weight, some real sollutions : Healing digestion and detoxifying your self in lowering the inflamatory signals from a physical perspective...

Creative Commons photo credit for exclusive Educational purposes

SURVIVAL PROGRAM - J.G. eats only what he calls "Real food Diet" : salad, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, wheat, lots of greens, pro-biotics, chia seeds, Omega 3's in it's most sustainable way possible - eat like our Ancestors used to eat, in order to get only Friendly bacteria in the guts; no processed food at all and have your cells be more sensitive to insuline and reversing Type II Diabetes as a result of this process.

Learn how to manage stress... how to meditate 10 minutes in the morning and other 10 minutes in the evening will also helps you heal and your body will respond.

Understand the biochemistry of your survival programs, understand why you are chronicaly hungry : have a leap through, focus on changing from inside out, says J.G.!

This Audio presentation is also a very dynamic and well done, similar to Debby Bruck's hints that teach people how to better heal themselves.

Please check when You can!

SOURCE: http://thediabetessummit.com/jgabriel

- Thank You for your time and attention!

>>>Creating waves of awareness!!!